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1. 日常做饭经验总结
1.1. 采购经验
- 蔬菜:叶类蔬菜,留存不久所以买2-3份就可以,最多3份。例如杭白菜、大白菜、油麦菜等,主要考虑性价比,有便宜打折的且近期比较少吃的可以入;其他蔬菜,例如彩椒、土豆、番茄、豆芽这些按照烹饪在菜单适当采购2-3种,能够cover 3天的伙食即可,考虑到性价比以及容易储存,可以pdd购入,还在摸索不同在蔬菜不同的量储存在时间。
- 肉类:猪肉作为容易储存在肉类,正常3份起购。鸡肉、鱼肉、虾这些一般当天采购当天烹调。
- 水果:主要以当季水果为,皇帝柑、橙子、提子都是我们较为爱吃的,以及其他当季性价比较高的水果
- 辅料/干货:豆豉鱼、小鱼干、小虾干,以及腐竹、香菇、木耳等这些可以跟蔬菜一起炒的,储存更久的材料
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devices customizations
1. Arch Linux PC Customization
For the convenience of migrating my Arch Linux and MacOS operating system to new computers, I create this note to help me and others to customize the new hardwares.
1.1. Desktop Environment
I don’t like and use those heavy desktops such as KDE or GNOME. Because they are too large and redundant. Most of their features are totally useless for me. So my philosophy of operating system is KISS (keep it simple and stupid).
- small but exclusive program
- good extendiability, customizable
- connect and corporate with other program easily
GDB note
1. GDB Usage
1.1. Breakpoint
Use info breakpoints to view all breakpoints. There are various way to setup breakpoints
- using line number, b 9
- using function name, b func
- set the breakpoints if some conditions are satisfied. break test.c:23 if b==0, and use condition to set the variables
- set the breakpoints according to some custom rules. rbreak
- temporary breakpoints. tbreak
- ignore breakpoints for sometimes. ignore 1 30, ignore breakpoint 1 for 30 times.
- disable, enable, clear, delete breakpoints.